We will open for large Private Groups, Corporate & Team Building Events pretty much anytime if we have staffing/proper notice. Just give us a call at 443-214-3545

No tickets sold on site.
All participants must buy their tickets ONLINE prior to the event.

Frequently asked questions

Schedule and tickets

All participants must buy their tickets online prior to the event.
We do not sell tickets on site, so please book online or for last minute bookings please call us at 443-214-3545. We do not do walk-ins…reservation is required!

What's the difference between Basic Party and Ultimate Party?

Basic Birthday Party:

  • Cost $360 for up to 12 players
  • 50 minutes of Game Play Only (no food or drinks allowed)
  • We provide filtered water/cups
  • No Party Space or Additional Time Provided after playing

Ultimate Party:

  • 90 Minute Booking (Play + Party Space + Party Supplies)
  • Cost $540 for up to 12 players ($35 Per Additional Player)
  • Start with 60 Minutes of DodgeArrows Play
  • Then finish with 30 Minutes of Exclusive use of our Party Spaces, Tables etc.
  • You take care of the food/drinks. You get 15% off if you order through Ledo’s Pizza (410) 729-3333 – they require at least 24-hours’ notice to deliver to us. We can order the food for you for extra $$.
  • We provide filtered water, cups, plates, cutlery, black table cloths, 4 foot tables, plenty of seating, napkins etc for your group.
Conditions and age restriction

DodgeArrows is recommended for ages 8 and up. However, we do have events and unique bows for ages 5 to 7 years old called Special Nerf War/DodgeNerf & Nerf Gun War. If a sibling is doing a regular DodgeArrows event with us and their younger sibling wants to try DodgeArrows that’s fine. Often a sibling will have their party with us, and their brother/sister is 6 years old and they want to try regular DodgeArrows, we allow it. Players ages 8 and up tend to do great with regular DodgeArrows. Kids 6/7 are hit or miss which is why we offer Nerf Bow War/DodgeNerf, and Gun War for kids under ages of 8 (Everyone must do the same event during the time slot, can’t mix/match).

Special Nerf War Party: For Ages 5 to 7 Years Old, we offer Nerf War Parties using plastic bows & Nerf Arrows. So, if everyone in the group fall withing that age range we use these bows which require minimal motor skill.

For private bookings of any type, we are lenient on age limit. So, if you want to do a private group booking for your family/event then participants can be practically any age.* For public game player, we are strict with age group to ensure a good time for rest of the players.

Does it hurt?

Unlike paintball, it does not hurt! This activity can be played without any heavy protective gear. All arrows have soft-tips, so they do not hurt like paintball or air soft. Eye protection is required and we supply those for free and arm guards are optional which we also have. You feel the arrow hit you but it does NOT hurt like paintball or airsoft..those hurt!

The only time it might hurt is for gentleman who choose to not wear a Sport’s “cup” – they are not required but accidents/bad aim happens. So wear one IF you want.

How do I book a corporate event, bachelor party or birthday party at the Annapolis/Millersville Location?

To book a party for play only and nothing else then you can just book online. However, if you want to have an event with game play AND also have food at our facility then give us a call 443-214-3545

What's provided for the basic party/group?

The basic party/regular group is for playing only (no food in our facility). Those options are cheaper because it gives you 45-minute of game play in our facility only. Afterwards, you are free to head to your favorite local restaurant, home or other place to have food and drinks. If you want extra time for food in our facility you MUST book the ultimate package which gives you extra time in our party area and we provide all party supplies (not food).

What's provided for the ultimate group/party?

We provide Four 6-foot tables, Black Table Cloths, plastic cutlery, spoons, forks, plates, cups, napkins and filtered water for your group. You get 60 minutes of DodgeArrows play time AND then after playing, you’ll get 30 minutes in our facility to enjoy yourselves. So, cater food, drinks, cake etc to enjoy. Most people get delivery/catering from Ledo’s Pizza (410) 729-3333, or Milano’s Pizza (410) 923-0093. Tell Ledos delivery is for DodgeArrows Annapolis and you’ll get 15% OFF and yes, they will DELIVER TO US (They need at least 24-hours notice).

We offer a hands-off option where we order the food for you and take care of it all (except cake). So if you’re looking to de-stress and want us to take care of the food and drinks then let us know 443-214-3545.

But I’ve never used a bow and arrow before?

We’ll teach you! No experience is necessary! 99.99% of our players have never shot a bow and that’s okay. Ours are super easy to use and have been designed by our own in the last year and even a 6 year old can use it without experience. We’ll teach you how to shoot! We start out with an orientation/teaching session, we can assure that you will have sufficient knowledge to play and have a good time. Call us with any questions 443-214-3545.

Equipment supplied by DodgeArrows Annapolis?
  • Bows + foam-tipped arrows
  • Protective face masks (required)
  • Protective arm bands (optional)
  • Inflatable obstacles
All you need to show up with?
  • Playing in shorts is fine. But if you like to go all out and like to slide, WEAR pants
  • You can have a great time without sliding but often people really into it and choose to slide for arrows on their knees and our turf is tough
  • Something you can move in
  • Shoes/Crocs/ or even playing in socks are all fine
  • Common sense and the desire to win!
  • Note: No outside bows or arrows allowed but you CAN bring Lacrosse or Hockey helmet if you choose to. We provide eye protection and everything that you need to play. But some experience veterans sometimes choose to bring their own helmet, 100% not needed. Lastly, if you wear contacts, those are better than glasses, however, you can still play using glasses.
Game capacity?

For kids, our game play  arena holds up to 24 players playing at once. However, we CAN accommodate groups larger than 24 players just call us 443-214-3545. We have done groups as large as 60 players, playing tournament style using our second field. For adults, we like to have 10 vs. 10 but once again, we CAN accommodate larger groups. We just change how the game style is play.

The minimum capacity to play is 6 players for a game scenario of 3vs3. Should the minimum number of players not be attained in a time slot, DodgeArrows Annapolis reserves the right to make arrangements with the participants to enter a different time slot. If no other time slot is suitable to the participant, we will issue you a store credit to use at a later date.

Do I need to find a team to play?

No! Even if you only have a few players we can try to fit you in when other people are playing public games. Best game play though occurs with 6 or more players! Groups naturally form with other players who buy individual tickets. Check here for open play games and cheap tickets!

How long are the sessions?

Each session is 45-minutes long.

How much is the deposit?

We require full-payment. We need full-payment for the minimum number of players for each game. We don’t do a “deposit” you have to pay for the minimum booking for private group or party which is to pay for up to 12 players and you can add additional players at a later for $$$.

For public play/small group you have to pay for all players upfront.

Booking individual tickets and not enough players?

If you book individual tickets and not enough people sign-up during that time slot we may have to cancel or reschedule your opponents. The best game play occurs with 6 or more players. 4 Players is OKAY of a time. But a great time is done with 6 or more players. So, we require a minimum of 6 people is required per session. Groups naturally form with other people when you buy individual tickets unless you book the entire time slot. Session will be cancelled or rescheduled if there is less than 6 people sign up. We will contact the players/organizer to attempt a reschedule. If you really, really, want to play with just 4 players we make exception on case by case basis. Currently, individual tickets/groups of less than 12 is only offered Monday through Thursday.

Do you allow walk-ins?

No. We are by appointment only. So please book online or for last minute bookings please call us at 443-214-3545.